6月16日 陈化:On the Eigenvalues Problems for Homogeneous Hormander Operators and Algebraic Geometry Approach


讲座题目:On the Eigenvalues Problems for Homogeneous Hormander Operators and Algebraic Geometry Approach

主讲人:陈化  教授

主持人:周风  教授

开始时间:2023-06-16 13:30








In this talk, we study the Dirichlet eigenvalue problem of homogeneous Hormander operators on a bounded open domain containing the origin, where smooth vector fields , , …, (as linear differential operators) are linearly independent and satisfying Hormander's condition and a suitable homogeneity property with respect to a family of non-isotropic dilations. Suppose that is a smooth open bounded domain in containing the origin. Combining some new subelliptic heat kernel estimates, and a famous resolution of singularities in algebraic geometry and some refined analysis involving convex geometry, we establish the explicit asymptotic behaviour as , where denotes the -th Dirichlet eigenvalue of on , is a positive rational number, and is a non-negative integer. Furthermore, we also give the optimal bounds of index , which depends on the homogeneous dimension associated with vector fields , , …, .
