11月4日 余开亮:Leveraging the lens of faster growth-mortality tradeoff to assess land carbon storage under global change


讲座题目:Leveraging the lens of faster growth-mortality tradeoff to assess land carbon storage under global change

讲人余开亮 研究员

主持人:崔二乾 副教授

开始时间:2024-11-04 15:00




   2012年于兰州大学获得生态学硕士学位,2016年12月于美国弗吉尼亚大学环境科学学院获得环境科学(生态水文)博士学位,先后在犹他大学、苏黎世联邦理工学院、法国气候环境变化实验室从事博士后研究和普林斯顿大学副研究员研究,目前为中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员。先后从事旱区半干旱区、森林和地上地下生态学相关的研究,重点关注森林碳、养分循环和生态系统稳定性。曾获得弗吉尼亚大学水文学奖、Joseph K. Roberts奖、论文发表奖等奖项,目前已在PNAS、Science Advances、Nature Communications、Nature Geoscience、Nature Water等国际主流期刊发表学术论文80余篇。作为主要分会会议召集人和主席,主持和召集2016、2017、2022和2023年美国地球物理学会分会,2018年美国生态学分会。


   Lands represent a prominent control on the global carbon cycle and considerable uncertainty and debate currently exist in projecting the future capacity of lands to sequester atmospheric CO2. In this talk, I will focus on forests and first present the paradigm of ‘faster tree growth, faster mortality and shorter carbon turnover time’, thus challenging the traditional view of increased forest carbon storage in a future CO2 enriched atmosphere. I will then show how the field-based tree mortality data can be used to reduce the uncertainty of model-projected forest carbon sinks in a future climate. Thirdly I will demonstrate that the tree size and density relationships are strongly associated with forest demography and temporal carbon accumulation rates at the ecosystem scale. Lastly, I will synthesize the worldwide empirical evidence and develop a mathematic framework to demonstrate the increased risks of catastrophic carbon loss over a shorter timescale facilitated by faster biota responses in the Anthropocene.
