11月4日 Ronald Österbacka:Eliminating contact degradation in thin-film solar cells(大师讲堂系列学术报告)


讲座题目:Eliminating contact degradation in thin-film solar cells

主讲人:Ronald Österbacka 教授

主持人:保秦烨 教授

开始时间:2024-11-04 14:00




      Ronald  sterbacka教授,芬兰科学与人文院院士,芬兰瑞典皇家工程科学院院士。1999年毕业于芬兰奥伯学术大学,获得博士学位,2005年获得物理系的正教授职位。2011年开始担任芬兰奥伯学术大学功能材料中心(Center for Functional Materials)的主任。因为学术方面的突出贡献,Ronald  sterbacka 教授于2018年获得芬兰总统颁发的一级白玫瑰骑士勋章。


Understanding and minimizing non-radiative recombination pathways is key to enhanced efficiencies in emerging solar cells, such as perovskite solar cells (PSC) and organic photovoltaics (OPV). Non-radiative recombination in any form, i.e. trap-assisted, or surface recombination of minority carriers at the (wrong) electrode will inevitably lead to lower efficiencies1. However, given the fast development of the efficiencies, the stability of both PSCs and OPVs is still not satisfactory. In this talk, I will focus on the charge transport layers and their properties in increasing efficiency and stability. I will focus on the passivation of metal-oxides in nip-solar cells, both for PSCs and OPVs. We found that in PSCs, Li+ ion migration has an important influence on the efficiency and stability of PSCs2. We show a few strategies how anchoring the Li+ ions in the SnO2 will improve the PCE up to 24.26% without negligible hysteresis and burn-in decay3,4. In addition, we have identified and mitigated an important loss-factor caused by ZnO in OPVs. Surface defects in ZnO cause n-doping in a thin layer close to the cathode, asuing a loss of Jsc. By inserting a thin layer of SiOxNy from solution processing, the recombination zone will be removed, with increased efficiency and lifetime as a result.
