讲座题目:Do airports have their own climate?
主讲人:William A. Gough 教授
主持人:杨毅 教授
开始时间:2024-04-18 09:40
William A. Gough (威廉 高夫),多伦多大学士嘉堡分校副校长兼教务长,多伦多大学物理与环境科学系教授。高夫教授还担任多伦多大学管理委员会执行委员会和选举委员会理事,多伦多大学嘉堡分校校园委员会主席。高夫教授系蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学大气与海洋科学博士毕业(1991),曾在加拿大气候中心从事博士后研究,之后加入了多伦多大学士嘉堡分校(UTSC)的物理与环境科学系。高夫教授是北极东部、安大略省西南部和多伦多气候变化研究的首席研究员,研究领域包括气候变化影响评估、海洋和气候数值模拟以及空气质量等;曾荣获加拿大地理学家学会(CAG)颁发的杰出教学、地理服务奖等诸多荣誉。
Sixty-four airport climate records were examined across Canada. Day-to-day (DTD) temperature variability metrics were used to assess the nature of the local environment. In total, 86% of the airports were assessed as peri-urban, reflective of either their location at the fringe of the urban centers or the creation of a peri-urban microclimate by the airport itself. The remaining nine stations were identified using a previously identified metric as marine, or “mountain”, a new category developed in this study. The analysis included a proposal for a decision flow chart to identify the nature of the local climate based on DTD thermal variability. An analysis of the peri-urban thermal metric and population indicated that a peri-urban climate was consistently identified for airports independent of the magnitude of the local population (or urbanization), lending support to the idea of a localized “airport” climate that matched peri-urban characteristics.