9月10日 Dr. Tatiana M. Tsagaraki:Microbial food web structure in a changing Arctic


讲座题目:Microbial food web structure in a changing Arctic

主讲人:Dr. Tatiana M.Tsagaraki

主持人:Dr. Richard Bellerby

开始时间:2019-09-10 10:00:00





Dr. Tsagaraki’s research interests lie within   marine microbial ecology with a focus on understanding the mechanisms that control microbial food web structure and function. Specifically she is interested in predator/ prey interactions and how these shape community  dynamics and community elemental composition, what triggers changes in composition and what repercussions these changes have to food web functionality. The driving force of her research is to understand the energy transfer from the microbial food web to higher trophic levels and nutrient cycling. Her research goal is to connect the interactions and processes She study to changing ecosystem health and resilience, and potential cascading effects on society and the environment.

She utilize field, experimental and modelling approaches in a wide, collaborative network since believe the challenges presented in multidisciplinary environments create essential, thought provoking ideas with great potential to move science forward.


Predicting implications of change in the  Arctic requires an understanding of fundamental components of the ecosystem. From our previous work in the Arctic, our working hypothesis is that   bacterial consumption of organic carbon is strongly dependent on the standing stock of copepods. The availability of organic substrates and changes in predator pressure are the two major components of this hypothesis, both projected to change the former due to ice melting and riverine input, and the   later due to changing migration/advection patterns.The talk will take us through how changes in organic carbon supply and top down control can affect  resource allocation, nutrient cycling and community dynamics in microbial   food webs.

