8月13日 杨峻:无记忆RAM实现高效可扩展的安全存储系统



主讲人:杨峻 教授

开始时间:2019-08-13 09:30:00  结束时间:2019-08-13 10:30:00





        杨峻,匹兹堡大学电子与计算机工程系教授。研究方向为计算机体系结构,研究方向包括GPU设计、新兴的内存技术、互连网络、3D集成以及电源和功耗管理技术。获得了2008年的NSF CAREER award2010年的IEEE Micro Top Picks奖、2013ISLPED2007ICCD最佳论文奖。被列入了HPCA名人堂。


Personal and enterprise users increasingly   store files and data in the clouds, leading to privacy concerns as remote   servers and software may not be fully trusted. To completely protect the   system from address access pattern leakage, we need to adopt Oblivious RAM   (ORAM), which obfuscates the physical address by remapping it after each   access. However, the ORAM access is still very expensive in terms of   bandwidth usage.

In this talk, I will focus on designing   efficient and scalable secure memory systems for ORAM. In particular, the   co-run interference between secure application with ORAM protection (S-App)   and normal application without protection (NS-App) is significant. We   developed approaches to allocate shared resources cooperatively between   S-Apps and NS-Apps.

We further developed approaches to offload   expensive ORAM operations to an ORAM based secure engine on buffer-on-board   architecture. Our designs enable high-level privacy protection with low   execution interference on cloud servers. Our evaluation shows that the   proposed designs effectively protect application privacy on mainstream   computing servers with untrusted memory, and mitigate the co-run interference   on NS-Apps.

