讲座题目:Supramolecular Material-based Chemical Sensors 主讲人:Tsuyoshi Minami 主持人:田阳 教授 开始时间:2019-07-30 10:00:00 讲座地址:闵行教师之家宾馆三楼报告厅 主办单位:华东师范大学化学与分子工程学院
报告人简介: Tsuyoshi Minami was born in Saitama in 1983. He obtained his PhD from Tokyo Metropolitan University (2011), under the direction of Professor Yuji Kubo. During his PhD studies he worked with Professor Tony D. James of University of Bath on collaborative projects. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher (2011–2013) and a Research Assistant Professor (2013) at Bowling Green State University, working with Associate Professor Pavel Anzenbacher, Jr. He then joined Yamagata University as an Assistant Professor (2014–2016). He has been a tenure Lecturer at The University of Tokyo since 2016. His interests include supramolecular analytical chemistry, self-assembled materials and organic transistors for sensing applications. 报告内容: Phosphonate compounds are commonly utilized in preparation of medicines, chelating agents and herbicides, and its application is still controversial. A widely used example of phosphonate-based herbicides is glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) known as Roundup, and acts by stopping the shikimic acid pathway. Since shikimic acid has an intermediate role in metabolic processes of plants and microorganisms, stopping the process will cause the death of the plant. Although regulatory assessments previously introduced glyphosate as a safe compound, investigation of International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2015 represented it as a possible carcinogen. In addition, some concerns related to etiological role in chronic kidney disease has been reported. Therefore, due to world-widely utilization of glyphosate, qualitative and quantitative determination has the highest priority. During the last decades, most of proposed techniques for quantitative determination of glyphosate rely on mass spectrometry, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Critical limits of suspicious samples for glyphosate are analyzed by routine analytical laboratories which are admittedly robust, accurate and reliable. Beside the benefits, the main drawbacks of such methods are requiring expensive instruments and trained personnel. Thus, supramolecular interactions have the potential to be a reliable alternative. This presentation focuses on the development of various types (i.e. colorimetric, fluorometric and electronic readout methods) of supramolecular sensors for glyphosate. |