讲座题目:Epigenetic modifications in the development of intestinal stem cells 主讲人:Yunbo Shi 主持人:翁杰敏 教授 开始时间:2019-07-22 14:30:00 讲座地址:生命科学学院534小会议室 主办单位:生命科学学院
报告人简介: Dr. Yun-Bo Shi is a senior investigator and the Chief of Section on Molecular Morphogenesis, NICHD, NIH. Dr. Shi received his BS degree from Wuhan University, China, in 1982 and his PhD degree from University of California, Berkeley, CA, in 1988. After postdoctoral training at the Carnegie Institution, Dr. Shi established his own research group at NICHD, NIH, in 1992. Dr. Shi has been studying the molecular basis of thyroid hormone regulation of vertebrate development by using Xenopus metamorphosis as a model system. Dr. Shi has published over 140 research papers and 60 reviews/book chapters, edited three books and written a monograph on amphibian metamorphosis. Dr. Shi has served on many domestic and international grant review panels, including NIH study sections, and organized a number of international symposia. Dr. She has served on the editorial boards of many journals including Thyroid, Endocrinology, and Journal of Biol. Chem. He was an editor of Cell Research from 2007 to 2010 and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Cell and Bioscience. Dr. Shi has received many awards and recognitions, including the 2008 Van Meter Award by the American Thyroid Association and the 2012 election to be a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. |