7月15日 P.G. LeFloch:Global dynamics of massive matter from geometric analysis to scientific computation


讲座题目:Global dynamics of massive matter from geometric analysis to scientific computation

主讲人:Philippe G. LeFloch   教授

主持人:袁海荣  教授

开始时间:2019-07-15 14:00:00    结束时间:2019-07-15  15:00:00





        Philippe G. LeFloch教授是世界著名的的研究双曲守恒律方程以及相关流体力学和数值计算问题的专家,担任《Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations》等多家知名期刊的编委或主编,其专著《Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws : The Theory of Classical and   Nonclassical Shock Waves》是双曲守恒律领域的经典著作之一。近年来对爱因斯坦方程、流形上双曲守恒律方程等做了开创性的、系统、深刻的研究工作。


I will present recent mathematical advances on   the nonlinear dynamical stability of massive matter fields such as   compressive fluids in presence of gravitation effects. Recent progress   concerns the following problems:

-- Spherically symmetric fluid flows, for   instance outside of a Schwarzschild black hole with random boundary forcing

-- Formulation and convergence of the finite   volume method for conservation laws on a spacetime with boundary

-- Global nonlinear stability of Minkowski   spacetime for the Einstein equations in presence of massive fields

