7月16日 Yong-Jung Kim:Discontinuous nonlinearity and traveling waves with free boundary


讲座题目:Discontinuous nonlinearity and traveling waves with free boundary

主讲人:Professor Yong-Jung Kim

主持人:潘兴斌  教授

开始时间:2019-07-16 14:00:00  结束时间:2019-07-16   15:00:00





Yong-Jung Kim obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from   University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1999. His thesis title was `Scaling   invariance in hyperbolic conservation laws'. He had his post-doctoral   positions at Universities of Minnesota, Toronto, and California-Riverside. He   is currently a full professor at KAIST (Korean Advanced Institute of Science   and Technology). His current research interests are focused on diffusion   theory, population dynamics, and mathematical modeling.


In this talk we consider a bistable   nonlinearity with a jump discontinuity at a stable steady state. To handle   the discontinuous nonlinearity, we define the weak solution in terms of   set-valued integration. The existence, uniqueness, and the comparison   property still hold. One of new feature of the problem is finite time   extinction and existence of traveling waves with a free boundary.

