7月16日 向青:Fourier analysis on finite abelian groups and uncertainty principles


讲座题目:Fourier analysis on finite abelian groups and uncertainty principles

主讲人:向青  教授

主持人:李成举  副教授

开始时间:2019-07-16 14:00:00  结束时间:2019-07-16  15:00:00





       向青,1995获美国 Ohio State University博士学位, 现为美国特拉华大学(University of Delaware)教授。主要研究方向为组合设计、有限几何、编码和加法组合。现为国际组合数学界权威期刊《The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics》主编,同时担任SCI期刊《Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Journal of Combinatorial Designs》的编委。曾获得国际组合数学及其应用协会颁发的杰出青年学术成就奖—Kirkman Medal。在国际组合数学界最高级别杂志《J. Combin.Theory Ser. A,J. Combin.Theory Ser. B,Combinatorica,以及《Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,IEEE Trans. Inform.Theory》等重要国际期刊上发表学术论文80余篇。主持完成美国国家自然科学基金、美国国家安全局等科研项目10余项。曾在国际学术会议上作大会报告或特邀报告50余次。


Let $G$ be a finite   abelian group. If $f: G\rightarrow {\bf C}$is a nonzero function with Fourier transform $\hf$, the Donoho-Stark   uncertainty principle states that $|\supp(f)||\supp(\hf)|\geq |G|$. The   purpose of this talk is twofold. First, we present the shift bound for   abelian codes with a streamlined proof. Second, we use the shifting technique   to prove a generalization and a sharpening of the Donoho-Stark uncertainty   principle. In particular, the sharpened uncertainty principle states, with   notation above, that $$|\supp(f)||\supp(\hf)|\geq   |G|+|\supp(f)|-|H(\supp(f))|,$$ where $H(\supp(f))$ is the stabilizer of $\supp(f)$   in $G$.

