7月4日 李彪:Trajectory Equation of a lump before and after collision with line, lump and breather waves


讲座题目:Trajectory Equation of a lump  before and after collision with line, lump and breather waves

主讲人:李彪  教授

主持人:陈勇  教授

开始时间:2019-07-04 15:00:00   结束时间:2019-07-04 16:00:00







Based on the hybrid solutions to (2+1)-dimensional    Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation, the motion trajectory of the solutions to KP equation is further studied. We  obtain trajectory equation of a single lump before and after collision with line, lump and breather waves by  approximating solutions of KP equation along some parallel orbits at infinity. We derive the mathematical expression   of the phase change before and after the collision of  a lump wave. At the same time, we give some collision plots to reveal the obvious phase change.

Our method proposed to find the trajectory equation of a lump wave can be applied to other (2+1) dimension integrable equations.The results expand the understanding of lump, breather and hybrid solutions  in soliton theory.

