7月10日 Jingsong Huang:Dirac series and coherent continuation in orbit method (曹锡华数学论坛)


讲座题目:Dirac series and coherent continuation in orbit method

主讲人:Prof. Jingsong Huang

主持人:舒斌  教授

开始时间:2019-07-10 14:00:00  结束时间:2019-07-10 15:00:00







Classifying irreducible unitary representations of real reductive Lie groups is a central problem in representation theory, which is well-known as the unitary dual problem. The orbit method establishes a correspondence between irreducible unitary representations of a Lie group and its coadjoint orbits. Diximer's work on primitive ideals gave one of the earliest indications of such a   correspondence. The theory was established by Kirillov for nilpotent groups and it was later extended by Kostant and Auslander to solvable groups. Vogan proposed that the orbit method should serve as a unifying principle in the description of the unitary dual of real reductive groups.

In Vogan's formulation of the orbit method for real reductive groups, the correspondence from the coadjoint orbits to irreducible unitary representations is divided into three steps according to   the Jordan decomposition of a linear functional on Lie algebras into hyperbolic, elliptic and nilpotent components. The hyperbolic step and elliptic step are well understood, while the nilpotent step to construct unipotent representations from nilpotent orbits has been a focus of active research in many related areas. The aim of this talk is to show that our recent work joint with Pandzic and Vogan on classifying unitary representations by their Dirac cohomology shed light on understanding unipotent representations. In particular, the coherent continuation relates   the Dirac series (irreducible unitary representations with nonzero Dirac cohomology)

to unipotent representations.

