6月21日 De-Qi Zhang:Equivariant Minimal Model Program with a View Towards Algebraic and Arithmetic Dynamics (曹锡华数学论坛)


讲座题目:Equivariant Minimal Model Program with a View Towards Algebraic and Arithmetic Dynamics

主讲人:Prof. De-Qi Zhang

主持人:谈胜利  教授

开始时间:2019-06-21 13:30:00  结束时间:2019-06-21 14:30:00





De-Qi Zhang,新加坡国立大学数学系教授。华东师范大学学士, Osaka大学博士; Osaka大学助理教授; 1991-至今: 新加坡国立大学讲师, 高级讲师, 副教授; 教授.


 1) Yukawa   Foundation award (1989) 

2) Outstanding Scientist   Award 2009, Science Faculty, NUS

3) Outstanding Mentor Award,   October 2009, 15th Youth

Science Conference, Singapore 

 4) One of   Final Four shortlisted for Presidents Science Award, yr 2010, Singapore.


We will will elaborate the notion of   ‘int-amplified’ endomorphism f of a normal projective variety X, a property   weaker than ‘polarized’ yet preserved by products. We will show that the   existence of such a single f guarantees that every Minimal Model Program   (MMP) is equivariant w.r.t. a finite-index submonoid of the whole monoid   SEnd(X) of all surjective endomorphisms of X. Applications of the equivariant   MMP are discussed: Kawaguchi-Silverman conjecture on the equivalence of   arithmetic and dynamic degrees of an endomorphism, and characterization of a   subvariety with Zariski dense periodic points. Some parts are based on joint   work with Meng.

