9月24日 Robert Spencer:Molecular Signatures of the Anthropocene


讲座题目:Molecular Signatures of the Anthropocene

主讲人:Robert Spencer  教授

主持人:侯立军  研究员、张力伟  青年研究员

开始时间:2024-09-24 10:00




      Robert Spencer教授是佛罗里达州立大学的终身教授,是生态系统生物地球化学领域的世界级知名学者,长期致力于环境时间尺度上水圈和生物圈界面的碳循环。他是一位高度跨学科的科学家,擅长运用多种分析技术来研究物理、化学和生物过程,尤其是流域水文学、生态系统处理、全球气候变化以及土地利用变化和管理等过程对水陆环境中碳循环的影响。他目前的研究主要关注内陆和滨海水系有机质的输出、处理和命运的驱动因素,特别关注全球重要而又脆弱有机碳库(例如北极冻土和热带雨林生态系统)。他在水生生物地球化学领域的开创性工作为他赢得了美国湖沼与海洋学协会(ASLO)的Yentsch-Schindler奖。在相关领域发表学术论文230余篇,H指数目前为71,总引超2万次,其中20余篇发表于Nature, Science, Nature Geoscience, Nature communications, PNAS等顶级期刊。


A sample from a river integrates the sources upstream from where it is taken. Recent advances in ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry now allow for tens of thousands of individual molecular formulae to be assigned in such riverine samples providing a degree of fingerprinting of sources much greater than past efforts. Combining this technique with other analytical tools Prof. Spencer will highlight from the Arctic to the Equator the human impact on the carbon cycle at the molecular level. Examples will focus on permafrost thaw in the Arctic, the impact of agriculture in the tropics, and the utility of glacier ecosystems for providing a window into anthropogenic impacts through depositional processes globally. Linking ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry techniques to other techniques, particular the use of radiocarbon, Prof. Spencer will describe how humans are impacting the carbon cycle in a myriad of ways.
