6月18日 Man Kam Kwong:Proving Inequalities with the Help of the Computer


讲座题目:Proving Inequalities with the Help of the Computer

主讲人:Man Kam Kwong  教授


开始时间:2019-06-18 09:00:00  结束时间:2019-06-18 10:00:00





Professor Kwong is a retired chair professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Chicago. His research interests include differential equations, classical analysis, inequalities,   matrix theory, and the application of computer in analysis. He has published over 170 papers in refereed journals and is an ISI-Highly Cited scholar.


Inequalities are useful in all areas of analysis. They are usually not studied in their own rights, but are used as   tools in other areas, for example, to obtain error estimates in numerical   studies, to prove convergence of sequences and series, to establish existence   of solutions of differential equations, etc.

Proving inequalities rigorously is an art because there are no silver bullets that work in all situations. The speaker will describe some of the tools used in his recent work, especially those that involves the use of computer and numerical software.

Topics include the use of monotone functions,   the classical Sturm Theorem for algebraic polynomials, trigonometric   inequalities, and the monotone L'Hopital rule.

