6月20日 陈津:Identifying Acute Kidney Injury Trajectory Phenotypes Associated with Hospital Mortality


讲座题目:Identifying Acute Kidney Injury Trajectory Phenotypes Associated with Hospital Mortality

主讲人:陈津  副教授

主持人:王晓玲  教授

开始时间:2019-06-20 13:00:00 结束时间:2019-06-20 14:00:00







Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a complex   systemic syndrome associated with high morbidity and mortality and risk for   the subsequent development of kidney and non-kidney complications. Nearly 50%   of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) experience AKI. AKI severity is   a key metric for evaluating patients risk of hospital mortality. Current AKI   serum creatinine (SCr) stratication is   based on absolute changes in Serum Creatinine (SCr) and the maximal increase   relative to the patients baseline value. However, such characterization does   not include either the progression or duration of AKI, both of which are   associated with adverse outcomes. By leveraging a large volume of SCr   temporal variabilities within the rst 7 days   of ICU stay, we propose a novel model called Trajectory of Acute Kidney   Injury (TAKI) for the identication of   AKI trajectory subtypes. Experimental results demonstrate that TAKI is a   feasible method of AKI subtyping and superior to the current AKI KDIGO denition for the association with hospital mortality in this subset of   critically ill patients.

