6月13日 Walter Pfeiffer:From Optical Near-Field Control to Nanoscale Quantum Control


讲座题目:From Optical Near-Field Control to Nanoscale Quantum Control

主讲人:Prof. Walter Pfeiffer

主持人:Prof. Konstantin Dorfman

开始时间:2019-06-13 10:00:00





       Walter Pfeiffer教授曾在德国康斯坦茨大学学习物理学并在1993年获得半导体专业的博士学位。之后,他转向了表面超快激光光谱学领域,并于2000年在该领域进行了研究。自2006年起,他担任比勒费尔德大学超快激光光谱学教授。主要研究方向为超快光谱学、光子诱导电子输运、电子弛豫、纳米结、扫描隧穿显微镜、光电子能谱学、金属及纳米结构中的多光子过程、自适应光学、纳米光学、量子力学系统相干控制、分子电子学、光电流光谱学、阿秒时间分辨光电子能谱学。


Simultaneous spatio-temporal control of   optical near fields offers striking possibilities to steer and manipulate   excitations in complex nanostructures. It opens a route towards   space-time-resolved spectroscopy on nanometer length-scales and femtosecond   time-scales with the potential of direct observation of nanoscopic energy or   electron transport. Methods to achieve this control are presented and   discussed. This field control is only the first step to reach nanoscale   quantum control. Based on an elliptical plasmonic cavity with embedded   optical antennas strong coupling between the antennas is demonstrated in   simulations and experiment. In ongoing theoretical studies this plasmonic   device is exploited to realize long-range quantum emitter coupling and study   the emergent non-classical photon correlations and quantum emitter   entanglement phenomena.

