6月14日 王强斌 :Advanced In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging: Seeing is Believing(化学优秀学者系列学术报告)


讲座题目:Advanced In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging: Seeing is Believing

主讲人:王强斌  研究员

主持人:田阳  教授

开始时间:2019-06-14 10:00:00










Fluorescence imaging in the second near-infrared window (NIR-II, 1.0~1.7 μm) is appealing in in vivo imaging due to negligible tissue absorbance and tissue scattering, as well as minimal   autofluorescence in this region, affording maximal penetration depth for deep tissue imaging with high feature fidelity. Herein, for the first time, we reported a new type of NIR-II QDs-Ag2S QDs and executed a series of in vivo imaging studies with Ag2S QDs. The results show that, by using Ag2S QDs, the tissue penetration length can reach 1.5 cm, and the spatial and temporal   resolution of the in vivo imaging can down to 25 µm and 30 ms, respectively,  which are improved several to dozens of times in comparison with those using conventional fluorescence nanoprobes in the visible and the first near-infrared window (650-900 nm), offering in situ, real-time visualization of the biological events in vivo. With the advanced NIR-II fluorescence of   Ag2S QDs, high signal to noise ratio imaging of tumor growth and metastasis,  imaging-guided drug delivery and therapeutics, imaging-guided precision   surgery, and stem cell tracking and regeneration in vivo, etc, have been achieved. 

