6月5日 林郁真:The Occurrence and the Phototransformation of Emerging Contaminants in the Aqueous Environments in Taiwan


讲座题目:The Occurrence and the Phototransformation of Emerging Contaminants in the   Aqueous Environments in Taiwan

主讲人:林郁真  教授

主持人:杨凯  教授

开始时间:2019-06-05 13:00:00





Prof. Angela Yu-Chen Lin is a Full Professor in the Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering at National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan. She received her B.S. degree from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1999, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in   Environmental Engineering from Stanford University in 2005. She worked at   Kennedy/Jenks Consultants in USA for a year before joining NTU faculty in 2006. She is an environmental chemist focusing on the fate and transformation of trace organic compounds in both natural and engineered systems. Her research and teaching interests are in the area of environmental   photochemistry, advanced analytical chemistry, innovative water/wastewater treatment technology, natural attenuation, transport and toxicity of contaminants in aqueous systems, water recycling and reuse. Professor Lin has more than eighteen years of research experience on emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and hormones, perfluorinated chemicals, sunscreen/UV filters, emerging disinfection byproducts and microplastics. She has  published more than hundred highly cited peer-reviewed professional papers on   the above topics. She was the winner of 2014 Elsevier Scopus Young Researcher Award in Environmental Science Field. Following that, she was awarded UPS Visiting Professorship at Stanford University from 2014-2015. The research by Professor Lin and her students has received numerous engineer and scientist recognitions including Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (2013) and Outstanding Research Award (2018), the two most prestigious awards from Minister of   Science and Technology of Taiwan.

