5月28日 丁军:Engineering Adaptive High Frequency Circuits, Systems and Applied Electromagnetic Devices


讲座题目:Engineering  Adaptive High Frequency Circuits, Systems and Applied Electromagnetic Devices

主讲人:Bayaner Arigong


开始时间:2019-05-28 13:00:00





Bayaner Arigong (M’08) was born in Inner Mongolia, China. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree from China University of Geosciences (CUG) in 2005 and 2008, and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from University of North Texas, Denton, TX,   USA, in 2015. From 2015-2017, he was with Infineon Technologies as advanced RF system design engineer, developing high performance integrated power amplifier circuit for cellular base stations. Since Aug. 2017, he has been with electrical engineering department at Washington State University (WSU),   Vancouver WA, USA, as an assistant professor. His research interests cover   broad areas of RF/microwave circuits and systems (e.g. passive circuit,   beamforming architecture, power amplifiers, antenna, and RF front end),   metamaterials, transformation optics, and nano-photonics. Dr. Arigong has   published more than 40 journal papers and 40 conference papers and filed more   than 8 US patents in his research field. He has served as reviewer for 10 journals and conferences, and he is the member of technical program committee of IEEE international microwave symposium, IEEE radio wireless week, and IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation un USNC-URSI Radio Science   Meeting.


With the increasing demand on wireless and   portable devices, the radio frequency (RF) front end blocks are required to feature properties such as high frequency, high efficiency, high linearity,   wideband and multiple operating frequencies, low cost, compact size,   multi-beamforming, beam steering, wide field of view, and reconfigurable or   tunable to support high data rate, high channel capacity and low power   consumption. To address all these issues, it is important to invent novel theory and approaches to further advance the current design methodologies. In this talk, I will discuss our research activity in adaptive RF microwave   devices and system and artificial material inspired smart applied electromagnetic devices. First, I will discuss our recent theoretical and experimental demonstration of digital-friendly and phase shifter relaxed concurrent multi-beamforming front end including tunable/wideband microwave   and mmWave devices, antenna feeding, integrated passive devices, and RF power amplifier. Second, leveraging our recent achievement in advanced transformation optics based quasi-conformal mapping (QCM) method, I will discuss the design of space transformed high performance electromagnetic devices as flattened parabolic CSP, and lens antenna. Applications of these new devices, circuits, and system will be discussed as well.

