讲座题目:Addressing vulnerability through spatial data science 主讲人:Alan Murray 教授 主持人:李响 开始时间:2019-05-30 15:00:00 结束时间:2019-05-30 16:00:00 讲座地址:闵行校区河口海岸大楼A304会议室 主办单位:地理科学学院、地理信息科学教育部重点实验室
报告人简介: Alan Murray (BS, MA, PhD University of California at Santa Barbara) is a Professor in the Department of Geography at University of California at Santa Barbara. His previous academic appointments include Drexel University, Arizona State University and Ohio State University. He is editor of International Regional Science Review, associate editor and/or editorial board member for a range of international journals, including Geographical Analysis, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Transactions in GIS, Papers in Regional Science, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, and Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. His research and teaching interests include: geographic information science; spatial optimization; health informatics; urban growth and development; land use planning; urban, regional, and natural resource planning and development; and, infrastructure and transportation systems. He is the author of three books and more than 250 research articles, book chapters and proceedings papers. He has received a number of awards from the American Association of Geographers, is the recipient of the Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement as well as the Hewings Award for Outstanding Young Scholar from the North American Regional Science Council, and Fellow of the Regional Science Association International, among others.