5月21日 Xiaohui Liang:WiVo: Enhancing the Security of Voice Control System via Wireless Signal in IoT Environment


讲座题目:WiVo:  Enhancing the Security of Voice Control System via Wireless Signal in IoT   Environment

主讲人:Xiaohui  LiangAssistant Professor

主持人:曹珍富  教授

开始时间:2019-05-21 13:30:00  开始时间:2019-05-21 15:00:00





Xiaohui Liang is an Assistant Professor with   the Department of Computer Science at University of Massachusetts, Boston   (UMB). He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Dartmouth College in 2014-2015. He   received the PhD degree (awarded Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies)   in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, in   2013. He received the BSc (with the University Excellent Undergraduate Thesis   Award) and MSc degree (with the Shanghai Excellent Master Thesis Award) in   Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2006 and 2009,   respectively. His research interests include networking security, wireless   security, and security for mobile systems. He has published over 100 refereed   journal and conference papers, and his H-Index is 43 as of March, 2019   according to Google Scholar. He is a member of IEEE and ACM. He received the Award   for Excellence in Scalable Computing for Early Career Researchers from IEEE   Technical Committee on Scalable Computing in 2017, the Best Land   Transportation Paper Award from IEEE Vehicular Technology Society in 2017,   the Internet of Things Technology Research Award from Google in 2016, the   Best Paper Award in BodyNets 2010. As a student, he received the prestige   Ontario Graduate Scholarship from Ontario Government and President’s Graduate   Scholarship from the University of Waterloo. Check more details at   http://faculty.umb.edu/xiaohui.liang/.


With the prevalent of smart devices and home   automations, voice command has become a popular User Interface (UI) channel   in the IoT environment. Although Voice Control System (VCS) has the   advantages of great convenience, it is extremely vulnerable to the spoofing   attack (e.g., replay attack, hidden/inaudible command attack) due to its   broadcast nature. In this study, we present WiVo, a device-free voice   liveness detection system based on the prevalent wireless signals generated   by IoT devices without any additional devices or sensors carried by the   users. The basic motivation of WiVo is to distinguish the authentic voice   command from a spoofed one via its corresponding mouth motions, which can be   captured and recognized by wireless signals. To achieve this goal, WiVo   builds a theoretical model to characterize the correlation between wireless   signal dynamics and the user’s voice syllables. WiVo extracts the unique   features from both voice and wireless signals, and then calculates the   consistency between these different types of signals in order to determine   whether the voice command is generated by the authentic user of VCS or an   adversary. To evaluate the effectiveness of WiVo, we build a testbed based on   Samsung SmartThings framework and include WiVo as a new application, which is   expected to significantly enhance the security of the existing VCS. We have   evaluated WiVo with 6 participants and different voice commands. Experimental   evaluation results demonstrate that WiVo achieves the overall 99% detection   rate with 1% false accept rate and has a low latency.  

