5月14日 Andy C. H. Lee:Human hippocampal contributions to temporal duration memory


讲座题目:Human hippocampal contributions to temporal   duration memory

主讲人:Andy C. H.  Lee  教授

主持人:郭思齐  副教授
开始时间:2019-05-14 09:40:00




Following a B.A. in Psychology, Physiology,  and Philosophy at the University of Oxford, Andy was a Ph.D. student at the  Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge. He then   undertook a post-doctoral position with Prof. Kim Graham at the MRC Cognition   & Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK. Andy C H Lee currently works at the  Department of Psychology at Scarborough, University of Toronto. Andy does   research in Neuroscience, Biological Psychology and Experimental Psychology.


Although there is much evidence that the  hippocampus processes temporal information in the service of episodic memory,  for example temporal order and context information, the role of the human  hippocampus in subserving temporal duration memory has been less clear. More   specifically, while rodent and nonhuman primate work has reported that   hippocampal neurons fire at specific times in the order of seconds during the   empty delay between two events, there has been little evidence that the human   hippocampus is involved in memory for durations at this time scale. In this   talk, I will discuss recent research from my lab, which speaks to this issue.   By presenting data from multivariate functional MRI and amnesic patient  studies, I hope to demonstrate that the human hippocampus is indeed critical   for memory for durations in the order of seconds, but crucially only in the   context of sequences of events.


