5月14日 康旺:Spintronic Memory: From Memory to Computing-in-Memory


讲座题目:Spintronic Memory: From Memory to   Computing-in-Memory

主讲人:康旺  教授

主持人:石亮  教授

开始时间:2019-05-14 15:00:00   结束时间:2019-05-14 16:00:00





Dr. Wang KANG received the double Ph.D degrees   in Physics from University of Paris-Sud, France, and in Microelectronics from   Beihang University, China in 2014. From 2015 to 2017, he was a Postdoc in   Computer Engineering at Beihang University. Since 2018, he has been an   Associate Professor in School of Microelectronics at Beihang University. His   research interest includes spintronics and its related device, circuit and   architecture designs. He is now focusing on skyrmion-electronics and   computing in spintronic memories. He has authored or co-authored 2 book   chapters, 20 Chinese patents and more than 80 scientific papers, including   Proc. IEEE, IEEE Trans. Computers, IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Reg. Papers,   IEEE Trans. Electron Devices., IEEE Electron Devices Lett., IEEE Trans.   Nanotechnology, DAC, DATE, ASP-DAC, GLSVLSI etc. He is a guest editor of   Microelectronics Journal.


Spintronic   memory has been considered as one of the most promising nonvolatile memory   candidates to address the leakage power consumption in the post-Moore’s era.   To date, the spintronic memory family has evolved in four-generation   technology advancement, from toggle-MRAM (product in 2006), to STT-MRAM   (product in 2012), to SHE-MRAM (intensive R&D today), and to VCMA-MRAM   (intensive R&D today). The trend from field-controlled, to   current-controlled, and to voltage-controlled devices, allows for more energy   efficiency of the memory itself, because of the significant decrease of the   ohmic loss or joule heating. Meanwhile, novel spintronic memory paradigms are   emerging, e.g., racetrack memory, for ultra-high-density storage to replace   HDD or SDD. On the other hand, from the architectural perspective, data   transfer bandwidth and the related power consumption has become the most   critical bottleneck in von-Neumann computing architecture, owing to the   separation of the processor and the memory units and the performance mismatch   between the two. Realization of the unity of computing and memory in the same   chip has opened up a promising research direction of computing-in-memory   (CIM). Spintronic memory could be a promising technology to implement the CIM   paradigm, owing to its intrinsic processing capability. Lots of interests   have been attracted and a number of attempts have been made in this field. In   this talk, I will review the R&D evolution of spintronic memory: from   memory to computing-in-memory. Particularly, I will introduce our recent work   on advanced spintronic memories as well as CIM paradigms implemented within   spintronic memories.


