5月7日 Jean-Paul Lallès:Intestinal alkaline phosphatase——control of gut barrier function, microbiota composition, inflammation and body homeostasis, and modulation by dietary factors(生命科学系列学术报告)


讲座题目:Intestinal alkaline phosphatase——control of gut barrier function, microbiota   composition, inflammation and body homeostasis, and modulation by dietary factors

主讲人:Jean-Paul  Lallès

主持人:张美玲 教授

开始时间:2019-05-07 10:00:00





Dr Jean-Paul Lallès is biochemist, agriculture   engineer, physiologist, immunologist and PhD in animal nutrition.

He is Director of Research at INRA Human   Nutrition Division, based in Rennes, France and Head of the Human Nutrition   Research Centre West, Nantes, France.

First, he carried out studies on protein   digestion and gut allergies to plant proteins in calves.  Then he moved to pig research on   post-weaning gut physiology disorders. He coordinated one EU project on this   topic and was partner in two others (1999-2013). After his move to INRA Human   Nutrition Division in 2000, he worked on the early programing (DOHaD) concept   of gut function and defense systems (e.g. intestinal alkaline phosphatase).   In 2012, he contributed to launch a new INRA research unit on gut-brain axis   and nutrition in the pig model. His activity is now shared between scientific   animation of the nutrition-gut-microbiota axis at the Human Nutrition   Division and international affairs of INRA for North America.

He has done three long stays (UK 2, US 1) and   more than 100 missions abroad. His track record includes 110 peer-reviewed   publications, 50 book chapters and 170 communications to congresses. He is   Deputy-Editor of the British Journal of Nutrition for reviews.  

