5月10日 Jerry Y.S. Lin:2D Structure Graphene Oxide Membranesfor Gas Separation(化学优秀学者系列学术报告)


讲座题目:2D Structure Graphene Oxide Membranesfor Gas Separation

主讲人:Jerry Y.S. Lin  教授


开始时间:2019-05-10 14:30:00





Jerry Y.S. Lin is a   Regents’Professor at Arizona State University. He was department chair of   chemical engineering at ASU from 2006-2009 after his 13 year appointment as a   faculty member at University of Cincinnati. Dr. Lin’s main research areas are   membrane science, adsorption/catalysis, and energy storage.  He has published 300 refereed journal   papers and 60 book chapters and conference proceeding papers, and is an   inventor of 9 US and European patents.    As one of most cited authors in the field of chemical engineering(per   Elsevier-Scopus/Shanghai Ranking),  Dr.   Lin’s papers have been cited about 10,000 times per SCI Web of Science (SCI H   index of 60).

As one of most cited   authors in the field of chemical engineering (per Elsevier-Scopus/Shanghai   Ranking),  Dr. Lin’s papers have been   cited about 10,000 times per SCI Web of Science (SCI H index of 60). He   received several awards including AIChE Institute Award for Excellence in   Industrial Gas Technologies in 2009, and is a fellow of both American Society   for advancement of Science (AAAS) and American Institute of Chemical   Engineers (AIChE). He has also been recognized by distinguished visiting   professorships such as JSPS Fellow (Tokyo University), Cheung-Kong   Distinguished Guest Professor (Tianjin University), Piercy Distinguished   Visiting Professor (University of Minnesota), and Distinguished Visiting   Scientist (State Grid Corp of China).    Dr. Lin has been Editor of Journal of Membrane Science since 2008, and   was a conference chair for several national and international meetings on   membranes including 2010 Gordon Conference on Membrane Materials and   Processes.


