5月8日 Chen Jie :Design of Portable Internet-of-things Biosensors



Jie Chen received his PhD degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Maryland, USA. He is currently a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering and an adjunct professor in the Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of Alberta.

He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He has co-authored two books, 180 journal and conference proceeding papers. He holds seven patents awarded, several of which have been either used in production or licensed by various companies. He has i10-index of 64 according to the Google scholar. His current research focuses include: (i) artificial intelligent circuit design, and high-voltage circuit for IoT applications, (ii)impedance/colorimetric-based microfluidic biosensors for disease diagnosis and environmental monitoring, (iii) artificial intelligence method for mental health disease diagnostics and ultrasound technology for treatment.

Dr. Chen has entrepreneurial and industrial experience. He has helped to establish two Bell-labs’ spin-off companies. The first company focused on the development of the 4th generation wireless communication systems was acquired by QUALCOMM in 2005. The second company produces digital HD-radios sold in most retail stores worldwide, such as BestBuy and Walmart. The products are also installed in most brands of automobiles.
