讲座题目:Mapping the connectomics of human brain disorders
主讲人:林庆波 教授
主持人:黄楚中 副教授
开始时间:2024-07-30 10:30
林庆波,工程博士,现为台湾阳明交通大学终身特聘教授、校聘副总务长,聘兼台北市立联合医院教学研究部主任。并任脑连接期刊(Brain Connectivity)副主编、前沿脑影像方法期刊(Frontiers in Brain Imaging Methods)副主编、Plos One 期刊编辑群。专长为磁共振物理学,长期致力于磁共振成像技术研发及人脑神经网络体(Brain Connectome)研究,曾研发首例弥散神经影像假体与动物验证模型,使验证弥散影像描绘神经网络的准确性,并发表一系列脑神经连结与脑网络造影技术优化论文(引用超过千次),使于临床磁共振仪取得优化复杂弥散神经影像与准确的脑神经网络。除关注神经影像技术,并长年应用于人脑神经与精神疾病的神经网络连接组研究,如老化、失智症、精神分裂症等变化及相关遗传特征所致的脑网络与认知变化、治疗及临床病征关联等,取得了系列研究发现,增进对神经精神疾病发病机制、脑损害特点和脑重组机制的认识,为这些疾病的预防、诊断及早期治疗提供了科学依据。近年更协助脑外科术前导引,借由新锐影像技术建立脑外科术前计划、术中依据与术后评估基准,协助脑功能精准定位与保护技术研发。迄今发表SCI 期刊论文 284 篇,论文总引用率超过 18,000 次(H-index = 59)。曾获台湾优秀年轻学者奖(2012)、学术卓越教师奖(2012)、特殊优秀人才奖励(2009) 及英国 The G. Nappi Cluster Headache Award (2016)等。
The human brain comprises a complex neural network, known as the human connectome, with a broad range of regional microscale cellular morphologies and macroscale global properties, forming an efficient system for processing and integrating multimodal information. Plenty of evidence has shown that mapping the connections may be beneficial to understand normal variability as well as mental disorders. It may also be crucial for pursuing a new generation algorithm of artificial intelligence and thus has the so-called 21st-century brain. Due to the limited available techniques, neuroscientists exhibited little interest in the connections for centuries till modern non-invasive neuroimaging techniques were invented in the 1990s. The structural connections, as well as related neural activities, thus attracted people’s attention and thus opened the prolog of the human brain connectome. By studying the direction-dependent water molecular diffusivity and blood oxygen level coherence, brain structural and functional connectivity could be mapped through modern MRI techniques, thus opening a window to explore functional anatomy based on its structural substrates. Meanwhile, the complexity of higher brain systems emerged as another challenge to explain the rich functionalities that arise from a relatively fixed structure. To facilitate human brain study, we are dedicated to driving technical developments and have striven to optimize these methods under human brain study regulations for decades. Accordingly, reliable and efficient neuroimaging protocols were established to promise further brain connectomics studies, including clarifying human brain functions and assisting clinical services, including neurosurgical plans, neurodegenerative prediction, and biosignatures for psychiatric disorders. Hereby, this talk will discuss modern imaging technologies for human connectome mapping and the recent progress in related works.