4月25日 Andrius Baltuska:Wavelength Scaling in Nonlinear Pulse Compression and Extreme Frequency Conversion


讲座题目:Wavelength Scaling in Nonlinear Pulse Compression and Extreme Frequency Conversion

主讲人:Andrius Baltuska 院士


开始时间:2019-04-25 09:30:00





Andrius Baltuška received the diploma in physics from Vilnius University, Lithuania, in 1993 and a Ph.D. degree in chemical physics from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, in 2000. Since 2006 he is a full professor at the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Vienna University of Technology. His group (http://atto.photonik.tuwien.ac.at)works on the development of intense ultrafast laser and parametric amplifiers and applications of fully controlled optical pulses in ultrafast spectroscopy and high-field physics. He received a European Young Investigator Award (EURYI) from the European Science Foundation (2004), Ignaz L. Lieben Award from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2006) and a Starting Grant (Consolidator) of the European Research Council (2011). In 2016 he was elected a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
