4月26日 毛佳飞:A Membrane Protein Safari by Sensitivity-Enhanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy(化学优秀学者系列学术报告)


讲座题目:A Membrane Protein Safari by Sensitivity-Enhanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy(化学优秀学者系列学术报告)



开始时间:2019-04-26  10:00:00





Dr.   Mao was born in 1983 in Suzhou, China. In 2005 he received his Bachelor   degree in Chemistry from Nanjing University after completing his   undergraduate study in the Department for Intensive Instruction (DII), one of   the few elite undergraduate programs charted by the Ministry of Education. He   did his master thesis on light-activatable anticancer drugs under the   supervision of Prof. Zijian Guo in the State Key Laboratory of Coordination   Chemistry (SKLCC) and obtained the Master Degree in inorganic chemistry in   2008 with a following publication on Chem. Commun.. He then moved to the   Centro di Risonanze Magnetiche (CERM) in University of Florence in Italy, a   leading center in biological NMR spectroscopy housing one of the EU large   scale facilities, and did his training on biological solid-state NMR (SSNMR)   under the supervision of Prof. Ivano Bertini. He published four papers on J.   Am. Soc. Chem. there and was the main NMR contributor to the first high-resolution   structure of amyloid-beta fibrils. Shortly after passing his Ph.D. defense in   structural biology with the level of excellence, he joined Prof. Clemens   Glaubitz’s SSNMR team in the Biological Magnetic Resonance Center (BMRZ) in   Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main in Germany. As a postdoc researcher,   he carried out researches on both SSNMR applications on challenging membrane   proteins and methodology development featuring the sensitivity enhancement   technique dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). He has published a number of   high-impact papers since he joined BMRZ, including four papers on J. Am. Soc.   Chem. and Nat. Chem. Biol. His works have been well received by the research   communities as shown by his growing list of talks delivered on important   conferences including GRC, ISMAR and EUROMAR. His current research interests   are mainly on the molecular mechanisms of disease-related membrane proteins,   next-generation optogenetic tools and novel easy-to-use NMR techniques for   biologists.

