4月22日 Baowen Li:Anomalous phonon/heat transport in low dimensional micro/nano systems


讲座题目:Anomalous phonon/heat transport in low dimensional micro/nano systems

主讲人:Baowen Li  教授


开始时间:2019-04-22 13:30:00





Prof. Li has been 2014/2015 Russell Severance Springer Professor at Department of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley. In August 2015, he joined Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder as the Rennie Family Endowed Professor. He is one of the pioneers in an emerging field – Phononics. He has authored and co-authored over 330 papers including 2 in Rev. Mod. Phys and 30 in Phys Rev. Lett. Delivered more than 220 plenary, keynote, invited/seminar talks. He is APS fellow (2013), and recipient of numerous awards including 2005 National Science Award, Singapore, and 2005 OCPA’s (International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers) Asia Achievement Award and 2014/2015 Springer Professorship at University of California, Berkeley. 2017 Brillouin Medal from International Phononics Society. He is selected member of Academy of Europaea (欧洲科学院院士)since 2017.
