4月15日 Jin Zhao:Ab initio Nonadiabatic MolecularDynamics Investigations on the ExcitedCarriers in Condensed Matter Systems


讲座题目:Ab initio Nonadiabatic MolecularDynamics Investigations on the ExcitedCarriers in Condensed Matter Systems

主讲人:Jin Zhao


开始时间:2019-04-15 14:00:00    结束时间:2019-04-15 15:00:00





Jin Zhao received her B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) inphysics in 1998. After that she completed her Ph.D. work with Prof. J. G. Hou and Prof. JinlongYang in 2003 in USTC. For the Ph.D. degree she mainly worked on theoretical research of theelectronic properties of small molecules and nanoclusters with cooperation with STM experiments.In March 2004, she joined the research group of Prof. Hrvoje Petek at the University of Pittsburgh. InMarch 2010, she returned to USTC as a Professor. The focus of her research is the ab initioinvestigation on the time-dependent dynamics of excited carriers in condensed matter materials.
