12月18日 Ching Y Suen:Pattern Recognition, AI, and Their Applications


讲座题目:Pattern Recognition, AI, and Their Applications

主讲人:Ching Y Suen 教授

主持人:吕岳 教授

开始时间:2024-12-18 13:30




      Dr. Ching Suen is the Honorary Chair of AI and Pattern Recognition of Concordia University. He is also the Founder and Co-Director of the world renowned CENPARMI (Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence). He Received an M.Sc. degree from the University of Hong Kong and a Ph.D. from UBC. He is specialized in the recognition of printed and handwritten characters, document analysis, analysis of facial beauty, and the detection of fake coins. He has been the Principal Investigator or Consultant of 30 industrial projects. Dr. Suen has published 8 conference proceedings, 16 books and more than 560 papers, and many of them have been widely cited while the ideas in others have been applied in practical environments involving character recognition, thinning methodologies, font analysis and multiple classifiers. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including  IAPR 2020 King-Sun Fu Prize (highest honour in the field of Pattern Recognition given to only one person every two years), Elsevier  Pattern Recognition Journal Award of Excellence (2016), Gold Medal from the University of Bari (Italy 2012), the IAPR ICDAR Award (2005), the ITAC/NSERC national award ($50,000 in 1993), and numerous others. He is not only the founder of four conferences: ICDAR, IWFHR/ICFHR, ICPRAI, and VI, but has also organized many international conferences including ICPR, ICDAR, ICFHR, ICPRAI, ICCPOL, and as Honorary Chair of numerous international conferences. Prof. Suen has supervised 120 doctoral and master's students to completion, and guided/hosted 100 long-term visiting scientists and professors. He is a fellow of the IEEE (since 1986), IAPR (1994), and the Academy of Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada (1995). Currently, he is the Emeritus Editor-in-Chief of the journal of Pattern Recognition, an Adviser or Associate Editor of 5 other journals, and Editor of a new book series on Language Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Intelligent Systems. This year, he is the Honorary/General Chair of ICPRAI (Korea), HSI (Paris), ANNPR (Montreal), ICAIDL (Nanjing), and CEII (Singapore).


This talk is about (a) Pattern Recognition, the backbone of Artificial Intelligence, ways of recognizing different types of patterns and  visible objects and coins using image processing and machine learning methodologies, and (b) AI - Artificial Intelligence, a bit of history, theory, and various applications. In this talk, we present their theory and applications and several image processing methodologies to recognize handwriting and its application in cell phone communication, to measure facial beauty, and to detect fake coins automatically. This system consists of feature measurement, 2D and 3D analysis, fuzzy set analysis, AI and deep learning techniques. For validation, large quantities of samples have been tested, and a near 100% accuracy has been achieved. Numerous examples will be demonstrated during this talk.
