8月1日 Mikael Rørdam: Inclusions of C*-algebras


讲座题目:Inclusions of C*-algebras

主讲人:Mikael Rørdam 教授

主持人:林华新 教授

开始时间:2023-08-01 09:00





       Mikael Rørdam教授是华东师范大学荣誉教授、丹麦皇家科学院院士、丹麦国家数学委员会主席、哥本哈根大学数学系科研副主任、国际Ostrowski奖评委,国际算子代数研究领域的领军人物。Rørdam教授长期致力于算子代数、动力系统、几何群论、K-理论等领域的研究,尤其在Elliott猜测方面取得重要成果,其研究成果发表在Annals of Mathematics, Acta Mathematica等顶尖的数学杂志上,文章总引用率达3000多次。由于在C*-代数的结构和分类理论中的卓越工作,2006年,Rørdam教授应邀在马德里召开的第25届国际数学家大会(ICM)上作特邀报告。


       Much interesting and deep mathematics arise from the study of inclusions of objects (groups, von Neumann algebras, C*-algebras to mention a few friendly examples). In particular, one may wish to understand the collection of all intermediate objects of a given inclusion. In recent literature several examples, mostly arising from dynamics, were given of inclusions of C*-algebras where all intermediate C*-algebras are simple. By analogy with the situation for inclusions of von Neumann algebras, we refer to such inclusions of C*-algebras as being C*-irreducible. However, unlike the von Neumann situation, this property is strictly stronger, and more profound, than being just irreducible (= trivial relative commutant). One can give an algebraic characterization of C*-irreducible inclusions, which again can be used to provide new examples of such inclusions. In this talk I will focus on examples of C*-irreducible inclusions and of classification results for intermediate C*-algebras.
